
About Us

In the quiet neighbourhood of Kerrisdale, there lived a young boy by the name of Jonathan. This Jonathan was no ordinary Jonathan. This Jonathan had a characteristic lone dimple on the right side of his cheek and three distinct moles that surrounded his mouth to form a triangle. Furthermore, he shared a special connection to the famous Mickey Mouse; they both have a widow’s peak. 

In the fall of 1997 in his grade four classroom, Jonathan would unknowingly encounter a young girl, named Lily, which would change the course of his life. Lily was a quirky character who apparently loved eating candies from Sweet Factory. One day in class, as Jonathan recalled, Lily had brought candies to class and had attracted his attention. Jonathan, with his charming smile asked, “Uhhh…can I have a candy?” and Lily said yes. 

Several years had passed before their next encounter. In their grade ten French class, a group project had been assigned where Jonathan had wanted Lily to be in his group. However as the star pupil, Lily was immediately reassigned to another group who required more assistance. Nonetheless, a strong connection was made and they remained friends throughout the rest of their high school days.

In the early winter upon the start of University, Jonathan had kept in contact with Lily. It was late one night after visiting the Mcdonald’s drive-through that Jonathan had found the courage to ask Lily out. Lily happily accepted which became the seed that blossomed into a beautiful relationship. 

In the summer of 2012, Jon decided to take Lily to Harrison Hot Springs, which was where they had their first vacation together. Lily, having watched the Royal Wedding and browsed wedding forums for the past year, realized that this was an opportune time for Jon to propose. When Jon told Lily about the trip, she immediately said, "You're gonna propose!!!" In response, Jon nonchalantly stated, "Don't get your hopes up." These words did nothing to contain Lily's excitement. She had a feeling it would happen then. That was until Jon showed her the receipt of where they were staying. At the top of the page, in bold letters, were the words "Harrison Village Motel". "'re definitely not going to propose," Lily said with a shred of disappointment. 

On July 15, 2012, Jon and Lily left for Harrison Hot Springs. Unfortunately, the weather was mucky with scattered showers, but that did not dampen their spirits. While driving on the road, Jon and Lily reminisced on the good times they had on their cross Canada road trip. Jon said that we should make a dance video during all our vacations, including the small ones, so that we could have a record of it. I thought it was a great idea. 

We arrived to Harrison early so we walked around the beach. There is a specific location where Jon and I like to skip rocks. It was there that we decided to do a dance video, of us pretending to skip rocks. A few seconds into the song, the song stopped playing. It was then that Jon dropped down on one knee and proposed. 

I said, "Yes." We did not stay at Harrison Village Motel.

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