Greetings from America! Jon and I crossed the border into North Dakota at around 2pm. Early this afternoon, we drove to Altona where we saw a large painting on an easel. I think it was copy of Vincent Van Gogh’s work. It was pretty cool because it was so large. In addition, Jon and I had a twizzler sword fight. I was victorious. MWAHAHAH!
When we were crossing the border, we had our car searched because we had so many things in the truck. Fortunately, there was no line up. We used our Nexus’ which SHOULD allow you to go through the border faster but there was no line designated for Nexus holders. All the lines had a nexus scanner but you would have to wait in line like everyone else. So I’m not sure what the point of having a Nexus is when crossing at Pembina. When Jon’s wallet was being searched by the border guard, the guard liked Jon’s Ray Ban sunglasses. Ha ha. All is well and we made it through.
As we were driving in Grand Forks, Dakota, we saw a Little Caesars. Earlier in the day, Jon mentioned that he wanted crazy sticks which are breadsticks from here. So we bought a large pepperoni pizza, crazy sticks with pizza sauce and a 2 L bottle of Crush. The total came to $9.62 USD!!! It’s so cheap! Jon and I ate half of the pizza. We’re saving the rest for dinner.
Yesterday, Jon and I watched half of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. It was quite good. However, Jon kept on saying “my precious” like Golem in the movie. If you know me, you’d know I’m terrible with names. MOVIE SPOILER: I was asking Jon if Dumbledore dies because he lost the fight to the wizard with iron-straighten white hair. He kept on laughing at me because the wizard’s name isn’t Dumbledore (Harry Potter) but Gandolf. I would also call Gandolf, Gandwarf. Ha-ha. Jon had to prep me on the names of the character before watching. Funny! Hopefully we will have time to watch the rest of the first movie.
We arrived at Travelodge Minneapolis. There was lots of driving involved so not many pictures today. We stopped at McDonalds in St. Cloud and ordered a strawberry banana smoothie. It was quite tasty. We also saw a McDonald’s gas station. As we were pulling into the Travelodge, we saw the restaurant called Hooters. We’ve both never been. Jon asked me if it was on the same level as Moxy’s. I said that I didn’t know but it looks like it would be similar to church’s chicken. Ha-ha. Tomorrow, we’ll spend the whole day at Mall of America, the largest mall in America. We also get complimentary breakfast but we have to wake up before 9. Tonight, we’ll watch some more Lord of the Rings.
Good Night!
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