Hello everyone! Jon and I woke up to a delicious breakfast consisting of a beef and bean burrito, Swanson’s chicken pie, blueberries and milk.
I should elaborate on the Screech In I did yesterday. The bartender first talked about the history of Screech. The Newfoundlanders traded cod for rum. When they gave the rum to a captain, it was so strong that he “screeched”. We can’t really remember the whole story so if you’re interested you should google it. When I drank the rum, my response was “ugggggh”. Ha ha. It wasn’t very tasty but it didn’t burn as bad as I thought it would. After, I had to kiss a stuffed puffin on the bum after the bartender rubbed his bum on it. It was a closed lip kiss. Then I got a certificate and a shot glass from the bar. The whole ceremony cost $12.
After we finished breakfast, we walked to Duckworth Street and Water Street. There were lots of cute shops and restaurants. We bought two custard cones which are Mcdonald’s-type ice-cream. They call it custard because people in Newfoundland used that term in the past.
We then walked on Signal Hill Trail. It was 1.7 km uphill. We had such a beautiful view of St. Johns and the ocean. When we got to the top, there was Cabot Tower. It was built in 1898 to commemorate John Cabot’s discovery of Newfoundland in 1497. This is also near where they received the first transatlantic wireless message by Marconi in 1901.
On our route down from Cabot tower, we went by Queen’s battery. There were barracks and cannons.
When we were walking, we saw this house that was selling a puffin with arms that rotated when there was wind. We didn’t want to buy it right away because we would have to carry it uphill. However, when we came back for it, it was gone and the owner of the house had left. We were quite sad.
We drove to Dominion which is owned by Superstore. We bought fried drumsticks and a Newfoundland dish with salted fish and bread. It wasn’t bad but too salty. We then bought 4 cheese buns for the 14 hour ferry tonight.
We drove to Quidi Vidi Village. It was hard to find because there was construction but also, there weren’t many stores. There were a Quidi Vidi battery, and a brewery.
We're at the ferry terminal. We're waiting to board. See you on the other side.
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